Project Description

Our work is rewarding to us and awarding to others!

We are very lucky to be involved with some of the most amazing venues around the UK, transforming them to reflect our client’s brand and the results can be amazing.

While it’s a privilege to be contributing to iconic events, some of them are truly inspirational – and The Asian Women of Achievement Awards with Nat West is such an event.


Having worked on this amazing event for a number of years we have seen some incredible women, quite rightly recognised for their contribution to society.

The Asian Women of Achievement Awards, founded by Pinky Lilani CBE DL in 1999, celebrate multi-cultural Britain and the contribution of diverse cultures and talents to UK society. They put on a platform, the Asian women across the UK and across industries, who are making a valuable and important contribution to British life. The awards play a key role in redefining the contribution of Asian women; and informing a new, positive, pro-diversity debate. Find out more…

The Challenge

Unlike many of our projects, which run over a number of days, the awards are for one night only, with a tight turnaround time. With our detailed planning, we ensure that the venue looks amazing and polished by the time the first guests arrive.

Being in a hotel environment, we had to work within tight timescales to fit in with other activities.

Our role was to make sure that the venue looked the part for the title sponsor Nat West with their branding effectively displayed to show their valuable support of the event.

Then, once the awards are finished and the celebrations are done, our work begins again, often starting as soon as everyone leaves, most venues will more than likely need to use the space the next day. That is what we do, and we thrive on meeting these challenges.

The Results

The event was a huge success with Nat West branding placed:

  • Entrance
  • Reception Area
  • Main hall
  • Tables

The branding was clear and impressive, not to mention stripped down and packed away ready to use next year, by the time the hotel guests woke up in the morning.

To find out how we can help you get in touch or have a look here if you want to see what we have done for other clients.